NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — A woman was killed during what appears to be a domestic incident.
Police identified the victim on Friday as 35-year-old Tahesha Saunders.
On Thursday, August 3, around 8:42 a.m., Newport News Police Department responded to the 1100 block of 33rd Street in reference to a shooting.
Officers say they found a woman outside a residence suffering from at least one gunshot wound.
She was pronounced deceased at the scene, police confirmed. Police also say the incident appears to be domestic in nature.

Hampton Roads 2023 Homicide Tracker
Neighbors on scene told News 3 they didn't want to speak about the incident.
Victim advocates said incidents like these can be indicative of a broader issue. They said domestic violence is on the rise in Hampton Roads.
"We get phone calls and walk-ins every day," said Meredith Williams, regional crisis services supervisor for Samaritan House.
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports more than 33% of women and 28% of men in Virginia experience domestic violence in their lifetimes, including physical violence, stalking and rape. NCADV reports the presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of homicide by 500%.
Meredith Williams with the Samaritan House added Hampton Roads has seen an uptick in cases involving location sharing on cell phones. She says the most dangerous time is when a victim wants to leave.
"A lot of the time when we speak to people we tell them. Have your safety plan. Are you going to wait for them to go to work? Are you going to wait for them to go to sleep? Do you have a go bag packed? Is there a place nearby we can meet you with a cab? . . . a lot of times the best thing to do is to call 911. Because they will come. You can have an escort," said Williams.
Samaritan House, she added, has resources for victims and more than a dozen different shelters that are not publicly known.
If you notice someone who could be in a bad situation Williams said it's always a good idea to say something and open the lines of communication.
The Newport News investigation is ongoing.
Anyone who has information about this incident can use the Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP.