NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — A sit-in, march and candlelight vigil to show solidarity with Palestine was held at Christopher Newport University.
A post on Instagram from the user "cnuforpalestine" told activists to gather on the Great Lawn at Christopher Newport University's campus at 7 p.m. on Tuesday to show solidarity with those affected by the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Additional posts from this user said that the gathering happened just as finals ended.
News 3 asked Christopher Newport University for a comment on the protests. CNU said they are aware of the event and will adhere to the university policies on Use of University Facilities by Affiliated Organizations and Third Parties.

VCU crews clean up after Pro-Palestinian protest, arrests
In the policy document, the university defines expressive activity as "any expression protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, including but not limited to speaking, silent protest, distributing literature such as leaflets or pamphlets, displaying signs, wearing certain clothing or accessory items, dancing, meetings, performances, demonstrations, rallies and vigils."
In part, here is the university policy on the use of outdoor spaces as it relates to expressive activity:
The Great Lawn is not available for use by Third Parties, Affiliated Individuals or Affiliated Organizations except, when not otherwise scheduled for University Activities, for the informal and spontaneous personal enjoyment of individual guests and visitors in a manner consistent with the conditions and limitations of University policies. Outdoor spaces other than the Great Lawn are also available for the informal and spontaneous personal enjoyment of individual guests and visitors also consistent with the conditions and limitations of University Policy. Permitted use described by this paragraph does not include expressive activity.
The document then goes on to detail the outdoor spaces available for expressive activity:
- Ferguson Lawn, inside the asphalt circle
- Green space surrounded by Forbes Hall, Luter Hall and the Commons
- Corner space next to Entrance Gate, Trible Library and the Plaza
News 3 reporter Conor Hollingsworth and Photojournalist Ian Teasley were on the CNU campus with permission from the university to gather more information.
When they got there, they were told the pro-Palestinian protest had moved to Warwick Boulevard because of the University guidlines.

"They told us we were trespassing," said former CNU student Geoffrey Cotton. "They threatened us with arrests, they threatened some of the students with academic consequences."
Along with the Palestinian support protest, our reporters observed another group of demonstrators holding the Flag of Israel, chanting and singing songs.
“We’re here to stand again for truth to stand for our people, to let everyone here know we have a different voice and it’s not one of hatred, but our voice is one of love and acceptance and we won’t be moved," said Rabbi Eric Carlson from Congregation Zion's Sake.
They also saw a police presence, but this university protest did not turn violent as many others across the country have.

Protesters did say that as long as conflict rages in the Middle East, they will continue to let their voices be heard.