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Some Franklin residents are worried as Tropical Depression Debby brings rain

City devastated by flooding from Hurricane Floyd in 1999
Franklin Blackwater River boat ramp

FRANKLIN, Va — The impact from Tropical Depression Debby appeared to be minimal in Franklin Thursday, but the storm is a reminder of the impact the city can and has experienced from storms in the past.

Most people News 3 spoke to, though, said they weren't worried about Debby.

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Franklin prepares for Tropical Storm Debby

The Blackwater River in Franklin appeared calm Thursday. If the town is going to experience flooding, it will come from the river.

The wind and rain were minimal most of the day Thursday, but that doesn’t mean some people weren’t on edge.

Cathy Bradshaw worries about businesses in Franklin whenever a storm is in the forecast.

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Hampton Roads shoppers prepare for Tropical Storm Debby

“I worry about it for other people who have businesses downtown. I worry about them because I think it would be devastating in our town," said Bradshaw. "Those little, small businesses are struggling now. So I think it would just be devastation if something came through and there was a flood again."

The city was previously devastated in 1999 thanks to Hurricane Floyd.

Mary Christy Saunders co-owns Mackans in downtown Franklin, which was also there during Floyd. She wasn’t worried Thursday about Debby.

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She wasn’t going to sandbag or anything else unless the city says it’s necessary.

She did say, though, if preparations do have to be taken she will likely prepare a little differently than she did for Floyd.

“I probably would put plywood on the windows. We did sandbags, but it really didn’t do anything when it comes to six feet of water in your building," Saunders explained. I probably would take the important equipment, our printers and our big copy machine, I’d get them out of here."

She said if another storm like Floyd were to hit Franklin, she believes the city could handle it, saying everyone is ready to come together and do whatever necessary to help businesses prepare.

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Emergency Management monitoring Tropical Storm Debby's movements

Franklin Fire Department Capt. Tim Dunn said the city is well-prepared for storms and has a lot of equipment ready to respond.

“We’ve done all the readiness checks on our equipment. We do monthly checks. Then, when a storm like this comes, we kind of beef up. Make sure that things are there. We’ve got extra chainsaw blades ourselves and all kinds of equipment," Dunn said.

Dunn recommends getting out as soon as you see flooding around your home or business. Do not wait until the water is inside.