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Attention drivers! What you need to know about Hampton's new red light cameras

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HAMPTON, Va. — Red light cameras will soon be coming online in the city of Hampton at Settlers Landing Road outside of Hampton University and at the Mallory Street bridge.

The cameras will be operational Monday through Friday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. They'll become operational on Thursday, August 1. There will be a 30-day grace period, after that, it's a ticket.

City spokesperson Mike Holtzclaw says they're trying to deter people who cut through residential areas to avoid interstate traffic.

Watch: Hampton considering red light cameras near HRBT

Hampton considering red light near HRBT

“It’s just creating more congestion, especially with the HRBT expansion, we’re trying to keep motorists on 64,” said Holtzclaw.

Previously the city used police officers to try to control traffic.

“It’s not a great use of resources committing that much time to one spot, and we believe this will be effective," said Holtzclaw.

Driver Crystal Doyle said she's hopeful the red light cameras will work. It's a $50 fine for violations.

Watch previous: Warning period underway for red light cameras in Portsmouth

Warning period underway for red light cameras in Portsmouth

“I think it’ll help a lot because it’s a crazy place when it’s rush hour,” said Doyle. "Especially if they start getting fined for it, they’ll start paying more attention.”

Driver Charles Battle isn't quite so optimistic.

“They’re not going to pay attention, they’re still going to do what they gotta do to get around," said Battle.

The red light program is part of a two-phase traffic safety plan — the second being school zone cameras. Those go into effect on August 26, when the kids are back in the classroom.

They'll be at seven schools: Bethel High School, Hampton High School, Hunter B Andrews Pre-K, Jones Magnet Middle School, Lindsay Middle School, and Machen Elementary School.

The school zone cameras will be active in the mornings and afternoons. There will be a 30-day grace period, after that, it's a $100 fine.