

How to take action for Earth Day 2021

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HAMPTON ROADS, Va.— The world’s largest environmental movement is happening Thursday, and everyone is invited to participate.

More than a billion people around the globe are observing Earth Day on April 21 by taking steps to help fight for a clean environment.

The theme for Earth Day 2021 is "Restore Our Earth." says one of the best ways people can make an impact for our planet is by cleaning up public spaces like parks, trails or streets. You can start by yourself or get a group.

Sandra Harris is an advocate for reducing plastic use, author and President of ECOlunchbox. She says COVID-19 has only worsened plastic use.

“During the pandemic, we've seen, unfortunately, about 30% more trash — most of it plastic-generated because of the reliance on single-use items and the masks, for example, and gloves and hand sanitizing wipes, things like that,” explained Harris.

Harris says reducing plastic use is an easy way to start living a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle.

“For example: Bamboo toothbrushes and the toothpaste... I’m not saying ditch toothpaste, but what about chewable tabs that are sold in a glass vial?"

She says investing in reusable and eco-friendly products pays off in the long run, saving you money and helping save the planet.

“Every single minute, a garbage truck of plastic is going into our oceans. Scientists have studied the quantity of plastic that's flowing into our oceans, and they estimate that by 2050 there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish,” said Harris.

Earth Day is a perfect time to look at your daily routine and find something, no matter how small, that you can change.

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“It all starts with the individual hearing and then doing something and then having a ripple effect to friends and family and to leaders around them,” said Harris.

You can visit to see how others are celebrating the holiday and find ways to join in or create an event of your own.