HERTFORD COUNTY, N.C. - Hertford County Public Schools have announced that their K-12 Summer Extended Learning Program that will also include a Pre-K program.
School officials say this summer learning program will provide an opportunity to expand educational success for students who have experienced learning losses due to COVID-19 during the 2020-2021 school year.
Dates have been established by each school to provide in-person instruction and enrichment activities. Based upon the grade level and needs of students, one bill provides instructional guidelines for the 150 hours of extended learning.
The school district will provide transportation as well as breakfast and lunch throughout the summer learning program. They will continue to implement COVID-19 protocols.
Students and staff will be required to wear masks, conduct daily screenings, and maintain minimum social distancing.
Registration will be provided to students who need academic support based on 2020-21 school year attendance, achievement of grade level content standards, and progress towards graduation requirements. Participation is voluntary; however, school officials say participation in the program will be considered in final decisions for grade-level retention.
Schools will begin notifying parents of the summer extended learning dates, times and program highlights.
For more detailed information, click here.