

Spring allergy season is here, doctors explain how to minimize symptoms

Allergy Season

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Spring is officially here and that means allergy season is too.

Some health leaders warn that this year’s allergy season could be just as severe as previous years.

"This is not something we should be worried about in terms of exposure, our body sees it as a foreign body, so it fights a response to it, that's why we see a lot of people coming in thinking they have a cold or the flu. But it's really the allergens that are giving the same type of symptoms because there bodies are trying to fight it" Dr. Trissana Emdadi said.

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Dr. Emdadi is already seeing an influx in patients coming in with allergy symptoms such as, itchy eyes, congestion, or drainage in your nose and throat.

Dr. Emdadi says there are some ways to manage symptoms:

  • Keeping your windows closed at home and in the car to minimize pollen exposure.
  • Shower after spending time outdoors to remove allergens.
  • Take antihistamines regularly and start allergy medications early in the season.
    "For us in this area, we have a lot more symptoms of pollen when we get a lot of the winds that are associated because it blows all of the pollen into our face or into the house, so I think sometimes it's definitely associated with the warm weather, but I think with the windy weather it tends to also increase your exposure" Dr. Emdadi said.

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Medicine isn't the only remedy Dr. Emdadi suggests:

  • Saline rinse: washes out the allergens in your nose.
  • Humidifier: humid air can loosen mucus, making it drain more easily.
  • Elevated sleep: elevating the head of your bed when sleeping allows for more drainage.

Additionally, pet owners should wipe down their pets after they’ve been outside, as pollen can cling to fur and be carried indoors.