

Don't fear the finger! A journey through prostate cancer

and last updated

HAMPTON ROADS, VA. — Don't fear the finger! That is the name of my prostate cancer special and if you're wondering about that title—yes, I'm talking about that 10 to 15 second physical exam, that most men do not like.

Watch: Don't fear the finger: Get your prostate checked

Kurt Williams explains prostate cancer treatment options

In fact some men may opt to skip that "finger check" and only go with the PSA blood test which also helps screen for prostate cancer. But that's not what to first alerted me that I might have cancer—-it was the "finger check", the digital rectal exam where my doctor first noticed an irregularity.

Watch: Kurt Williams starts radiation treatment for prostate cancer

Kurt Williams starts radiation treatment for prostate cancer

So this special takes a look at why some men may fear the finger, how that test can give you a head-start to knowing you need a biopsy, which was the case with me.

Watch: News 3's Kurt Williams shares latest prostate cancer update

News 3's Kurt Williams shares latest prostate cancer update

I invite you along on my journey. The cameras were rolling when I had my biopsy, when I first heard face-to-face from my urologist the results of my biopsy.

Watch: Kurt Williams takes next step in prostate cancer journey

Kurt Williams gets a biopsy after a prostate exam

Plus I sit down with local leaders, urging men to get both tests and hear from one local viewer who sought me out so he could tell me my stories helped save his life!

Watch: Kurt Williams details the impact of faith & hope when facing cancer

Kurt Williams details the impact of faith & hope when facing cancer

I also had the cameras follow me as I had my treatment and the moment I wrapped up my final treatment of radiation.

Watch: Kurt Williams rings the bell on radiation treatment for prostate cancer! What's next?

Kurt Williams rings the bell on radiation treatment for prostate cancer! What's next?

This is not just a special for men! Women, you have a lot of influence with your husbands, sons, dads, brothers, uncles—-I would encourage you to watch this as well. Your influence with your loved one could help save a life.

Watch: Man learns he has prostate cancer after Kurt Williams' story motivated him to get tested

Man learns he has cancer after Kurt Williams' story motivated him to get tested

I really hope you'll click this video for: Don't Fear the Finger!