

Hampton Roads woman helps feed the community with 'aeroponic gardening'

Tower Garden
Salad in a Jar Party
Sald in a Jar Party

CHESAPEAKE, Va. — The month of March is "National Nutrition Month" and during this time many people are looking for ways to live a healthier lifestyle.

For one Chesapeake woman, she is sharing what she has learned about health and wellness with the community. Patricia Hargrove, a health enthusiast, is determined to help others live a more healthy life.

To achieve this goal, she decided to start growing her very own vegetables and fruit by using "tower gardening."

This method of growing produce is known as "Aeroponic gardening." It allows people to know what is exactly inside their food.

Twice a month Hargrove hosts different events for the community to pick produce from the gardens. Events include smoothie parties, meal prepping, and her most popular—Salad-in-a-Jar party.

Fitness instructor and mom Tanecia Newman tells News 3, that participating in the salad bar parties helped improved her family's eating habits.

"The growth of food and mother nature and being able to eat fresh and healthy meals that they also get to participate in preparing and planning and the whole teaching aspect really does me good as a mom," said Newman.

Hargrove said that currently, all seven cities in Hampton Roads have tower gardens located in the schools. Her next goal is to have all schools install vertical systems. Hargrove said this is exposing students to healthy habits earlier on and she is excited about this movement's growth.

"We are just going to continue to grow this and we are looking forward to just expanding here in the Hampton Roads area," said Hargrove.

To find out more about Aeroponic Gardening and ways you can get involved, text "Healthy Hampton Roads" to 757-574-0258