

First responders, teachers celebrated at WinterFest on the Wisconsin's 'Hero Nights'

winterfest on the wisconsin

NORFOLK, Va. - WinterFest on the Wisconsin is honoring the Hampton Roads community's heroes by offering first responders, nurses, teachers and their families a discount during the event's "Hero Nights."

On December 8 and December 15, first responders like police, firefighters and EMTs, as well as teachers, are invited to visit the holiday event at a discounted ticket price of $9.50.

“This is our way of saying ‘thank you’ to those that sacrifice to educate, protect and keep us safe,” said Executive Director Stephen Kirkland. “WinterFest is a community experience, and these amazing people deserve recognition for all they do.”

Upon entry, first responders and teachers must show valid ID with their reserved e-ticket to the Nauticus Admissions desk.

Normal ticket prices on Wednesdays and Thursdays are $12.50 for adults and $10 for children, and $14.50 for adults and $12 for children Fridays through Sundays. Nauticus members receive a discounted rate.

WinterFest’s general admission and member tickets are on sale until January 2. Click HERE for ticket information and WinterFest hours.