

Finance Academy works to teach children about managing money

Financial literacy
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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — A company in Virginia Beach is teaching kids about a subject matter they might not learn about in school—managing and budgeting money.

The Finance Academy was created to teach kids as young as 7 years old the importance of money.

Keneddi Somerville, 11, graduated from the course and said she feels prepared to manage money when she gets older.

"I learned about interest rates, saving up for retirement and spending your money wisely and so much more," said Somerville.

It's not just learning that she enjoys. It's her teachers alongside the Wilkins, like Adam Duncan that makes her feel confident.

"They're like an aunt and uncle because they were very nice, they let them participate they treated my brother like they had known us for a while and me."

The program is owned by Troy and Jasmine Wilkins who saw the need for financial literacy, after launching their first session during the pandemic they decided to expand and teach in person. Since then, they've had more than 70 children register for the 6-week course locally and internationally.

Troy said he wishes he learned about financial literacy at an early age. So, his goal is to teach kids early to help them prepare for life when they grow up.

"To take what we know and our experiences as adults to teach that to children at an early age to set them up better for success," said Wilkins.

The lessons are always creative. Teachers try their best to meet students where they are.

"You know we make it fun, no child wants to go to school and being from the education background no child wants to engage in a lesson that boring we find a creative wave to engage the child on social media in the digital age" said Wilkins.

At the end of the course, students even get rewarded with a graduation ceremony and $10 award.

Kennedi's dad, Nile said he's glad his daughter had the opportunity to learn about finances at a young age.

"I feel like this is going to be something our kids can look back on too and say you know what I spend time with Troy and Jasmine they really taught me some good things I can apply in life," Nile said.

Kennedi said the support from her teachers helped her get through the course.

"They would always say, you can do this, and they sound simple but when they said it had a deeper meaning," she said.

Finance Academy will be launching its second session on February 5 and is currently taking online registrations. To register for the online or in-person course, click here.