

Fighting spring allergies already? News 3's Medical Expert says you're not alone

Blowing Her Nose - sneezing - allergies
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CHESAPEAKE, Va. - Scratchy throat? Sinus pressure?

News 3 Medical Expert Dr. Ryan Light says his patients at TPMG Greenbrier are already talking about their allergy symptoms.

According to Dr. Light, the Tidewater area's subtropical climate and location between the ocean and swamps make it one of the worst in the country for allergies.

"Most likely, you'll find an allergy here in Hampton Roads," he says. "Anytime we have those warm spells it's going to stimulate trees to start producing those pollens."

For that reason, he suggests taking medications early in the season with antihistamines, nasal saline, nasal steroids and Benadryl in the evening all recommended.

"Start at Valentine's Day. It gives you a couple weeks to get it in your system before the season starts," he says.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it's also important to pay close attention to your symptoms, especially while taking allergy medications. Some allergy symptoms overlap with those of the coronavirus.

"Go ahead and start the allergy medications early," said Dr. Light. "If you do have any symptoms, it's most likely COVID that's causing these symptoms."

One thing that can help, he says? The mask you're wearing can keep out some allergens if you're outside. Dr. Light also says taking a daily spoonful of local honey can help fight allergy symptoms.

But bottomline, if you feel your symptoms require a doctor visits, it's never a bad idea to make that appointment to see if what you're struggling with is something more.