

Everything you need to know about The Price is Right contestant search at Rivers Casino Portsmouth

Posted 6:26 PM, Nov 12, 2024
and last updated 6:28 PM, Nov 12, 2024

PORTSMOUTH, Va. — WTKR News 3 is holding a contestant search on November 15 at Rivers Casino Portsmouth!

The Price is Right is looking for people to be in its studio audience in Los Angeles. If you're a fan of the show, you know people from the audience are randomly selected to come on down and guess prices, play games and hopefully win some big prizes.

Before you go to Rivers Casino Portsmouth for the contestant search, here's what you need to know:

  • There's a waiver and release form, which you can access here. You'll need to print it, fill it out and bring it with you.
  • At the casino, you can arrive as early as 7 a.m. Starting at 7:30 a.m., they'll give out wristbands.
  • Registrations begin at 7:30 a.m. and close at 6 p.m.
  • When you're called up, you'll step in front of a camera where you'll have 30 seconds to give your pitch, explaining why you should be selected to appear on The Price is Right.
  • The show's producers say they need you to say your name, your job and why you're the biggest fan of the show.
    • They also encourage you to bring the energy! Tell them your favorite game, your dream prize, why you'd be a great contestant and why the show has meant so much to you.

Below is some advice from The Price is Right announcer George Gray!
"Don't be fake. Be yourself, but be your happy self. We're all different people. We're all shy, we're all excitable and we're all fans and let that part of you come out."

This is your chance to be flown out to Los Angeles, meet Drew Carey and compete on The Price is Right!

For more information, click here.