

Do I have to shovel my snowy sidewalk? Most cities in Hampton Roads say yes.

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HAMPTON ROADS, Va. — With record snowfall recorded across southeastern Virginia Wednesday — the eighth-most single day snowfall ever recorded in Norfolk — many homeowners are wondering if they have to shovel their sidewalks or risk a fine from the city.

We looked into which cities have ordinances about sidewalk shoveling after snow storms. Turns out many of them do. But it's unclear if or how that will be enforced on Thursday with most city offices closed.

Here's a full list of what we know about snow shoveling laws.


Chesapeake does not have any municipal ordinances regarding the removal of snow from sidewalks and other walkways.


Sec. 34-10. - Removal of snow and ice from sidewalks.

It shall be the duty of the occupant of every house or lot which has a sidewalk of brick, stone, wood, concrete or other permanent material adjoining or touching upon the same, either in the front or rear or on either side, to have all snow removed from such sidewalk within three (3) hours after the same has ceased falling, unless such snow has fallen during the night, in which case it shall be removed by 9:00 a.m. the next morning. The same requirements shall exist with respect to ice and sleet. When there is no tenement on such lot or any occupant of any tenement thereon, it shall be the duty of the owner of such lot or tenement to have the snow or ice removed. In case there is no occupant of the premises and the owner or agent cannot be found, then the city manager shall have the sidewalk cleaned or covered at the expense of the owner.


Sec. 38-17. - Removal of snow from sidewalks.

The tenant or occupant, and in case there is no tenant, the owner or any person having charge of any building or lot of land bordering on a street, lane, court, square or public place within the city where there is any paved sidewalk shall, after snow ceases to fall in the daytime within six (6) hours, and if in the nighttime before noon of the following day, cause the snow to be removed from that portion of the sidewalk between the building line and a line five (5) feet distant from and parallel to the curb line. Where the paved portion of such sidewalk in front of a residence does not cover the entire area between the curb line and the building line, the snow may be removed from only that portion of the sidewalk which is paved. In all blocks where fifty (50) percent or more of the abutting lots are occupied by buildings or structures, the snow shall be removed from all unpaved sidewalks in such blocks for a width of five (5) feet in the center of the sidewalk area.(b)Snow removed under this section shall be deposited on that portion of the sidewalk in front of the abutting property immediately adjacent to the curb, but more than five (5) feet therefrom.(c)It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or cause to be removed any snow from the sidewalk into the street, except employees of the public works department in the performance of their duties in cleaning the streets.(Ord. No. 167, §§ 1, 2; Code 1961, § 36-3)


(Code 1958, § 45-30) State law reference - Authority for above section, Code of Virginia, § 15.1-867.

Your Responsibility Sec. 42-34. - Removal of snow from sidewalks - By owners or occupants of abutting property. It shall be the duty of every person using or occupying, in any manner or for any purpose whatsoever, any house, store, shop, building or tenement of any kind, and of persons having charge of churches and public buildings of any description, other than public schools and buildings owned or occupied by the city, and of owners of unoccupied houses or unimproved lots, situate on any paved street, lane or alley in the city, within three (3) hours after the fall of any show has ceased, to remove and clear away, or cause to be removed and cleared away, the snow from the sidewalks fronting such house, store, shop, church, building or lot, in such manner as not to obstruct the passage of the water in the gutters. If snow ceases to fall between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., the removal of the snow before 11:00 a.m. will be deemed compliance with this section.

We heard back from the city of Norfolk Thursday about enforcement. They shared the following message:

Residents and businesses are responsible for clearing their own sidewalks. As residents begin to shovel their sidewalks, driveways and other paths, snow removed from sidewalks should never be placed in the streets as it creates hazards. We also remind residents: to take breaks—snow is heavy, and overexertion can be dangerous; dress in warm layers and wear sturdy boots; push snow instead of lifting when possible.


By City Code, it is the responsibility of property owners and occupants to clear sidewalks of snow adjacent to their property. Property owners should not clear snow from parking lots and driveways onto City streets. The City of Portsmouth does not routinely plow residential streets. Public Works does not take individual requests for snow removal.


Under City Codified Ordinance Sec. 74-41

Whenever snow shall fall and lie on the street of the City, it shall be the duty of each owner or occupant to clean the snow from the sidewalk and gutter in front of the place owned or occupied by him within six hours after the snow shall have ceased to fall unless the same is at night and, if at night, then within six hours after sunrise the next day.

Clear sidewalks are essential for many citizens especially those with disabilities, people who enjoy walking as form of exercise and children who walk to and from school. Snow covered sidewalks increase the likelihood of slip and fall accidents.


Sec. 33-14. - Duty of property owners and occupants to remove snow and ice from sidewalks.

The owner or occupant of any lot or parcel of land in the city shall remove snow and ice from the sidewalks in front of such lot or parcel within six (6) hours after such time as such removal can first be reasonably effected.