

North Carolina launches '¡Recuerda las 3Ms!' COVID-19 campaign

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The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services launched the "¡Recuerda las 3Ms!” (Know your 3Ms) campaign to reach historically marginalized populations disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.

The campaign, which will run in parallel with the “Know Your 3Ws!” English-language campaign, is designed to increase awareness of preventative measures for Spanish-speaking North Carolinians.

The 3Ms campaign is created by native Spanish speakers and known in English as: Wear. Wait. Wash.

“It is critical that we create public awareness campaigns that directly reach our Spanish-speaking community. In English, many of us are familiar with ‘Know Your 3Ws’. Now, in Spanish, I hope everyone becomes familiar with ‘¡Recuerda las 3Ms!’,” said Secretary Mandy Cohen, M.D. “By practicing these simple steps, we can all do our part to slow the spread of this virus.”

NCDHHS is asking people to practice “las 3Ms” to protect themselves, their loved ones, and our communities by lowering the risk of exposure to COVID-19.

If you leave home, Recuerda las 3Ms: Mascarilla. Mantener. Manos:

  • Mascarilla: Usar una mascarilla de tela cubriendo nariz y boca. (Wear a cloth mask over your nose and mouth.)
  • Mantener: 6 pies (2 metros) de distancia. Evitar estar cerca de los demás. (Wait 6 feet apart. Avoid close contact.)
  • Manos: Lavarte las manos con frecuencia o usar desinfectante para manos. (Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.)

The goal of the campaign is to inform people about preventative measures, testing, and contact tracing to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

To access the "¡Recuerda las 3Ms! resources in Spanish, the “Know Your 3Ws!” in English, as well as other helpful COVID-19 resources, please visit click here.