CHESAPEAKE, Va. — At the beginning of 2024, Chesapeake residents may have seen an increase on their water and sewage bills. That's because the city is raising water and sewage service rates.
Residents say they are not too happy to hear about the price hike.
"It’s gotten better to drink than it was before," Stuart Far, a Chesapeake resident, said. "But it doesn’t justify the price of it."
High water bills in Chesapeake will continue into the new year
An annual rate increase went into effect on Jan.1, 2024. Some residents say they’ve already noticed the price hike.
"It’s $130 every cycle," Far said.
"I have noticed a difference in the price," Linda Jean, another Chesapeake resident, said. "I see it steady going up."
The bi-monthly water service rate is increasing from $21.46 to $22.08, and the sewage rate is increasing from $14.78 to $15.20.
Watch previous coverage: High water bills in Chesapeake will continue into the new year
As noted on the city’s website, the more gallons you use, the more you pay. One CCF—centum cubic feet, meaning 100 cubic feet—equals 748 gallons.
Some say price increases are a part of the times.
"I’m not too happy about our stuff here," Myles Milkey, a Chesapeake resident said. "But it’s part of the cost of living in this beautiful city of Chesapeake."