

Charges downgraded for deputies, hospital worker in death of Irvo Otieno; 3 now facing manslaughter charges


DINWIDDIE COUNTY, Va. -- Three people facing second-degree murder charges in the death of Irvo Otieno have had their charges downgraded.

Wavie Jones, Kaiyell Sanders and Brandon Rodgers are now charged with involuntary manslaughter, according to online court records.

Sanders and Rodgers are deputies with the Henrico Sheriff's Office while Jones is a worker at Central State Hospital.

Otieno died while in custody at the state psychiatric hospital after he was transported there from the Henrico County jail while experiencing a mental health crisis in March 2023.

Earlier this month, Dinwiddie County Commonwealth's Attorney Amanda Mann essentially dropped charges against five others arrested on second-degree murder charges in connection to Otieno's death.

Those deputies were directly indicted by the previous Dinwiddie Commonwealth’s Attorney Ann Cabell Baskervill.

Initially, 10 hospital workers and sheriff's deputies were indicted on second-degree murder charges. Charges against two of the hospital employees were later dropped.

In September 2023, Otieno's family reached an $8.5 million settlement with the state, county, and the sheriff whose deputies were involved in his restraint.

The settlement agreement said the state, county, and the Henrico Sheriff have not admitted any liability and deny that their actions caused Otieno’s death, but have agreed to collectively pay the $8.5 million to Otieno’s family.

Otieno's death led to legislation passing at the General Assembly that could make a difference for other families dealing with a loved one in a mental health crisis.

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