

BEACH IT! Day 3: Country music lovers enjoy fun filled weekend despite rainy weather

"We partied in the rain. All of us were dancing in the crowd, it was amazing"
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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va.— It's been a wet weekend Hampton Roads, but rain or shine, music lovers say the weather didn't stop their fun.

Some of the biggest names in country music hit the stage for the three-day festival at the Oceanfront, and attendees tell News 3 they're excited to have country music back at the beach.

"It's been fun all three days. I'm very excited to be here. We knew it was going to be something spectacular and we wanted to try it out" said a BEACH IT! attendee.

"The acts are amazing, the venue is amazing, everybody has been great" said another festival goer.

You heard it firsthand from visitors who came to the Resort City to experience BEACH IT!

Cowboy boots and hats filled the Oceanfront, as country music lovers soaked up sweet sounds, despite some moments when lighting and rain hit during the festival.

"We partied in the rain. All of us were dancing in the crowd, it was amazing everyone was soaking wet," said one country music fan.

Some families even traveling hundreds of miles to experience the first country concert on the Oceanfront since 2019.

"This is our first time in Virginia Beach, first time at this concert. Coming from Florida it's like do we really need to see a different beach but it's different. It's been fun and it's like 15 degrees cooler here," they said.

Although the couple bought a poncho for the very first time, they say the rain throughout the weekend didn't stop the fun.

Two friends who traveled from Pennsylvania say they enjoyed their very first music festival.

"This one has been fun. It's my first one and it couldn't have been any better. The rain just made it way more exciting, fun and more of a experience," one of the friends said.

Sunday, people attending got to experience many artists, including Brothers Osborne, Jameson Rodgers, Luke Bryan and many more.

"That's what I like about venues like this you can see so many people all in a couple of days," an attendee told News 3.

Despite delayed acts and on and off downpours, it didn't stop people at the festival from having a Yee-Haw time.