

Achievement center aims to help at-risk youth

Generic youth, youth diverse, teens, teenagers
Generic youth, youth diverse, teens, teenagers
Generic youth, youth diverse, teens, teenagers

WINCHESTER, Va. (AP) — The Timbrook Achievement Center — TAC for short — is working hard to help at-risk youth in Winchester and Frederick County.

Since its opening in October 2019, TAC has had 56 participants (it was closed from March 2020 to October 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic).

The center, located on the Youth Development Center campus, is for teens ages 14 to 18 who have been referred to the nonprofit group by either the court system, Social Services, the local school systems, private providers or family members.

TAC is a place where these kids go after school four days a week, Monday through Thursday, from 3 to 8 p.m. — the time juveniles are most likely to get in trouble. They have a snack, do their homework, make dinner together, then sit around the table with staff and share their "high and low of the day," Frederick/Winchester Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Judge Elizabeth Kellas told people at a recent TAC open house.

This may not seem like a big deal, "but it's a big step for these kids," stressed Kellas, who is the driving force behind TAC and chair of its steering committee.

A summer program is also available.

Audio recordings from a few TAC participants were shared at the open house. One teen said TAC encouraged him to "stay on the right track." Another said the program kept her busy and "out of trouble."

TAC participants weren't at the open house because many are court-involved and the program strives to keep their identities confidential.

Kellas said TAC's goal is to provide a comprehensive detention alternative for truant and delinquent youth.

"Many of our community youth face poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, mental health issues, violence and a general lack of hope," she wrote in an email. "We were detaining truant youth because we had few other options in the community."

The closure of Winchester's Timbrook Reporting Center in 2016 added to the void.

Two years later, the inspiration for TAC was sparked when Kellas attended a conference and heard a presentation about a youth achievement center in Washington, D.C. Those in attendance were encouraged to lead their communities in developing similar programs. One of Kellas' colleagues, Judge Kimberly Athey, was also at the conference.

Kellas said Athey looked at her and said, "You are going to want to do this, aren't you?'"

It was definitely something she wanted to pursue.

The journey to create TAC began with no money, no location, no staff and no transportation.

Those boxes have since been checked, through a lot of hard work, although some aspects of TAC have changed over time.

Modeled after the Timbrook Reporting Center and the achievement center in Washington, D.C., each TAC participant has an individualized plan and goals, which are created with family involvement. A psychological assessment is done through Northwestern Community Services, if one hasn't already been completed.

In addition to help with homework, participants learn life skills and take part in field trips and other activities. They also can receive counseling from outside sources for substance abuse or anger management.

"Successful completion is different for every youth," Kellas explained. "When they enter the program, they set vocational, academic, life skills, good behavior, and other goals. Once those goals are reached, they graduate."

TAC participants have a 78% high school graduation rate. While this may seem low, Kellas said, "I promise from direct interaction in court, many of these youth would not have begun to graduate without TAC help."

The program's recidivism rate is 23% — 13 youth have committed new criminal offenses after TAC participation, but eight of those attended TAC less than 15 days. Data show that the longer a youth stays in TAC — 28 days or more — the more likely they are to successfully complete the program, Kellas emphasized.

TAC currently has 10 participants — six from Winchester and four from Frederick County, according to Johnny Craig, who has been the program's executive director since July 1. He also is executive director of Teens Inc., a not-for-profit that provides training for at-risk youth and individuals with disabilities in the Northern Shenandoah Valley.

"We want to help our community get better," Craig said.

TAC now operates under Teens Inc. The programs are located next door to each other on the Youth Development Center campus.

Funding and support for TAC has been a "community collaborative," Kellas said.

A $50,000 grant from the state Department of Juvenile Justice helped buy furniture and equipment. Initially, TAC was located in a different building on the YDC campus. In June of 2021, it moved to another building. The YDC provides TAC the space in exchange for TAC doing major renovations to the building, including the installation of a kitchen. Winchester Public Schools provides teachers as well as student transportation to TAC. Frederick County Public Schools also provides transportation. The Frederick County Sheriff's Office, Winchester Police Department and Winchester Sheriff's Office provide personnel a few hours each day so that TAC participants have positive interactions with law enforcement.

TAC has five employees, not including teachers or police.

Getting the new space ready required a lot of work, with help enlisted from community organizations, friends and family. Carroll Construction did most of the renovations. The space is now cheerfully decorated with student artwork on the walls and places to study.

Some of TAC's initial funding streams have ended, so the program is currently funded through the Comprehensive Services Act (state and local dollars), state Department of Juvenile Justice and scholarships. Program officials also continue to seek other funding sources.

"TAC's uniqueness is the family engagement component, along with law enforcement support," Kellas noted.

Like the Timbrook Reporting Center, TAC bears the name of Winchester Police Department Sgt. Ricky Timbrook, who was killed in the line of duty in 1999.

Several members of Timbrook's family attended the TAC open house.

Kellas said Timbrook "spent time in the community and especially took youth under his wing to show them there was another way other than getting in trouble."

TAC is trying to do that as well.

"All youth deserve a chance to succeed and prosper, if we can just provide individualized support to youth and family along the way," Kellas said.