NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — It's been more than a month since a Hampton woman has seen her mother and she's worried about what may have happened to her.
Every second of the day, A'lexus Gibbs' anxiety is through the roof, she says, because she has no idea where her mom could be. She reported her mother, Sherree Brown, missing to Newport News Police on Oct. 24, and her family believes she was kidnapped.
"I know she's in danger, I have a feeling she is, and it's not like one of those feelings that just comes and goes, it's a consistent feeling" said A'lexus Gibbs, daughter of missing woman.
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That consistent feeling she's felt for weeks now. She reported Brown missing more than a month ago.
"She left the house without her wallet, her purse, and her driving license," said Gibbs. "That's a red flag for me she would never do that."
She strongly believes a man who tried to sexually assault her mother may have attacked her again. Oct. 17 was the last time she spoke with her mother. The conversation took a turn when Brown shared she was assaulted just 10 days earlier.
"He pretty much tried to sexually assault her and physically assault her at the same time," Gibbs added. "She tried to get away, but he kept locking the doors. When she finally got away, he tried to run her over with a truck."
Those were the last words she heard from her mother, who was last seen on Daphia Circle. Gibbs says her mom is also battling stage IV breast cancer. She also missed a doctor's appointment on Nov. 13.
"When they told me she did not show up to her last appointment which was the 13th, that kind of concerned me," Gibbs said. "She's been going to all of her other appointments, but that one she was just a no call no show. That's not like her."
Newport News Police told News 3 that Brown does not meet the state requirements for an Ashanti Alert. We also reached out to officials for a copy of the police report Brown's daughter filed but they will not give any information because they say she was a victim of a crime.
I asked Gibbs if she believes her mom is still alive.
"I ask myself that every day, and every day it's getting more to the point that she's not here," she said. "I just want her found. She's a mother, she's a wife, she's a grandmother, and daughter. We just want her home."
Police did not share details about the man who allegedly assaulted Brown, because it's an active investigation. However, they do say their Special Victims Unit is doing all that they can to locate Brown.

Missing Persons