

Virginia Beach couple helps save man's life after he's stabbed by his neighbor over noise complaint

Court leaders: Excellent witnesses
Alexander Seaver and Erin Bennett
and last updated

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — The brave actions of a Virginia Beach couple helped save a man’s life after he was stabbed by his neighbor over a noise complaint.

Erin Bennett called 911 while her boyfriend, Alexander Seaver grabbed his gun and rushed into action. His dad was also there rushing towards the danger.

Court leaders praised them as excellent witnesses.

The brutal attack happened last January at their apartment complex off Indian Road.

This couple watched their neighbor, John Molandes start fighting with the guy who lived below him.

The fight was all over a noise complaint but there had been months of tension at this condo near the Oceanfront.

“During the time that we were moving downstairs to get to them, he (Molandes) followed him (the victim) and stabbed him another two times,” said Seaver.

They said the victim was staggering towards their house looking for help after he heard Bennett screaming.

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The victim had multiple stab wounds to his body and they were able to grab some towels and pressure to stop the bleeding.

“We took a shirt off. The blood was wiped off, but it was immediately red again,” said Seaver.

Seaver also had his weapon pointed at Molandes to stop the attack.

“He didn’t try to move out of his doorway. He kept yelling about self-defense and everybody stayed where they were until the police came,” said Alexander Seaver.

Molandes pleaded guilty and is currently serving a two-year sentence. The News 3 Investigative Team spoke to him from behind bars. He said he felt bad that this happened but said he acted in self-defense.

Seaver and Bennett attended the court hearings.

Court leaders praised their actions, calling them excellent witnesses.

“We’ve all seen too many by standards that do nothing or just record it on their phone I just wish people would help out people that really need it more often,” said Seaver.

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But unfortunately, in some cases, witnesses don’t want to be involved.

In 2022, the Council on Criminal Justice found that about half of murders resulted in an arrest, and fewer than half resulted in a conviction nationwide.

The Norfolk Commonwealth’s Attorney Ramin Fatehi said when witnesses won’t come forward cases are much harder to solve.

“It becomes much more difficult to prove somebody guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. We can’t do it without real-life witnesses. The constitution requires it that,” said Fatehi.

This session Virginia lawmakers allocated one million dollars in the state budget to go towards witness protection programs.

Fatehi said protecting witnesses is vital.

The couple said the situation was traumatic.

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“I didn’t know that human beings could be that callous towards each other,” said Erin Bennett.

“I had to point a gun at somebody that’s something I wouldn’t wish anybody to do,” said Alexander Seaver.

But he is grateful he didn’t have to pull the trigger.

“Even though I didn’t do that, it still weighs on me that it could’ve been an outcome,” said Seaver.

They encourage others to do the right thing, and come forward, and are glad everyone survived this situation.

“I was just happy I was there to help him,” said Alexander Seaver.