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"On Privacy" — security expert shares how to protect yourself online in the digital age on Coast Live


HAMPTON ROADS, Va. — Author Lawrence Cappello joins Coast Live to discuss his new book "On Privacy: Twenty Lessons To Live By," and the basic things he believes everyone should be doing on the internet to protect their digital privacy.

ON PRIVACY 's 20 brief-but-powerful lessons include concepts like the Nothing-to-Hide Trap, how we become prisoners of our recorded past, and the ways that small data points about us can paint big revealing pictures. Cappello also explores whether Big Brother is in fact real, why we should insist on privacy by design, and how to make ensuring privacy something that is profitable. Each lesson ends with advice on how to talk about a given aspect of privacy and how to take actionable steps to safeguard yourself. 

ON PRIVACY is small book with a big message about why privacy matters, who profits by invading it, and how best to defend yours in easy, everyday ways.

    "On Privacy" is for sale in book stores now.