NewsPositively Hampton RoadsTake a Walk


Take a walk through Patrick's cruise ship on the trip to Norway

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NORWAY — You’ve probably noticed that Patrick has been on vacation for the last few weeks, but that doesn’t mean he has stopped taking walks.

In fact, you’ve been getting a whole lot of steps in.

I have, some days more than 20-thousand steps.

You know, since recovering from open heart surgery last year, I’ve taken you along for walks across Virginia and North Carolina, even as far away as Florida.

But this time, we’re headed nearly 4 thousand miles from Hampton Roads to the middle of the North sea.

My family joined us for a bucket-list cruise to beautiful Norway.

It was definitely the trip of a lifetime, with some of the most incredible views you could ever imagine.

But if you’ve ever been on a cruise, you know there’s also some pretty incredible food, and a whole lot of it.

So, my sister Mary Ann, whose definitely the family fitness fanatic, made sure I took advantage of the walking path on the upper deck of our cruise ship, especially on sea days when we were making our way to and from Norway.

Seven trips around the walking path equaled one mile.

The cool breeze off of the north sea made the walking a lot easier than in the August heat and humidity back home.

But once we made it to Norway, it was sure easy to get distracted by the amazing scenery right off the side of the ship…

If you’d like to see more pictures of our trip to Norway, I’ve posted plenty on my Facebook page, just search for Patrick Rockey weather.