NewsPositively Hampton Roads


Nonprofit donates 'comfort bears' to children affected by Virginia Beach tornado

Comfort Bears
Comfort Bears
Comfort Bears

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — It has been said that no act of kindness, no matter how small, is wasted.

The Comfort Bears in Catastrophe nonprofit is an organization that provides teddy bears to children who have experienced a disaster.

On May 1 residents in Virginia Beach experienced a tornado, leaving many without shelter.

When the nonprofit heard about the disaster, they decided to reach out to the local Red Cross Chapter and The Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters to provide comfort items to kids affected by the tornado.

According to Founder and Executive Director Mimi Hymel, approximately 125 bears were donated to Virginia Beach.

Mimi tells News 3 as a survivor of Hurricane Katrina, having a comfort item amid tragedy is important for children to comprehend what is happening around them.

"It's something that I really think is so valuable being a child during Hurricane Katrina myself, I really experienced how important a comfort item can be and teddy bears seem like just a simple gesture, but it really does go a long way, especially for children as their brains are still developing and they are trying to process these really heavy situations. It goes along way," said Hymel.

Hymel tells us the hope is that when children receive their bears it will spark hope back into their lives.

If you would like to volunteer remotely with Comfort Bears in a Catastrophe or learn more information, visit their website by clicking here.