There's a little area under Chrysler Hall that houses the "Generic Theatre."
There's an expression in the theatre world, "the show must go on," but it takes people to make that happen when challenges occur.
The person who nominated this week's Everyday Hero tells me the Volunteer Coordinator for Generic Theatre is a one-woman dynamo!

News 3 Everyday Hero
Nurse honored for spending free time volunteering at VB animal rescue center
Julianne Baker's day job is at Eastern Virginia Medical School. Two years ago, she took over duties as the Volunteer Coordinator for the Generic Theatre, which was struggling to get a dedicated team to keep the theatre company a well-oiled machine.
Today, she has more than 200 specialized volunteers, many of them from the military, who have the skillset to build and strike sets.
Not only that, her theatre colleagues report that she is a magnificient trouble shooter when the need arises.
The day before a show premiere, heavy rain sent floodwaters pouring into the basement space of the theatre and quick thinking and volunteers were needed to take action to avoid ruining the mostly wooden set.
Generic Theatre board member Sherman McDaniel said that Julianne was Johnny on the spot, "Julianne and a bunch of volunteers [were] down there mopping up the water as fast as they can to save the set from getting saturated."
That kind of dedication deserves recognition, right? That is why Julianne Baker is this week's News 3 Everyday Hero!