NewsPositively Hampton RoadsNews 3 Everyday Hero


Everyday Hero: Hurrah Players volunteer described as 'one little lady with a big heart'

Peggy Young EDH
Posted 10:00 PM, Dec 06, 2022
and last updated 1:20 AM, Dec 07, 2022

NORFOLK, Va. — Hurrah Players is a well-known theatre group among those who appreciate theatre arts in Hampton Roads.

The company is described as a family friendly theatre company that is nationally recognized for the quality and affordability of its performing arts education programs and productions, the achievements of its alumni and its commitment to the local community.

But what is lesser known are the volunteers who are a part of the engine that supports and drives the non-profit. Among the notable and steady contributors is Peggy Young.

Hurrah Players founder Hugh Copeland says, “Peggy Young is our number one supporter and cheerleader, one little lady with a big heart.”

Hugh says for 35 years, she and her husband Joe have been purchasing and selling lobby concessions and holding raffles in support of the company. The couple have raised more than 100k over the years.

In addition to that Peggy has played the role of Helen Armstrong in the play “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”, based on the children’s book for 32 years.

For those reasons and more, News 3 is honoring her with an Everyday Hero award, and our community partners at Southern Bank have gifted her with a $300 dollar Visa gift card. Take a bow Peggy Young, this applause is well deserved.