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Newport News city leaders continue tradition of giving back to celebrate MLK Day

Newport News city leaders continue tradition of giving back to celebrate MLK Day
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The City of Newport News is continuing their tradition of service on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, as city leaders collect donations at the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank to honor the civil rights leader's legacy and impact.

"Each year it get's bigger and bigger," said Police Chief Steve Drew. "Each year there's more volunteers that come out."

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s ongoing fight for justice is what drives many people to give back.

At the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank, some familiar faces showed up to take a page from Dr. King's book. Mayor Phillip Jones, Congressman Bobby Scott, Newport News Police Chief Steve Drew, Councilman John Eley, Sheriff Gabe Morgan and many more came out to feed several communities on the peninsula.

I asked Sheriff Gabe Morgan what they were hoping to see from today's event.

"Well I can tell you everyone thinks about the holiday season, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and they roll in one behind the other and everyone wants to donate during that time," said the sheriff. "So the foobank gives out a lot of food, but after the holiday there's people still in need, so this drive has always been to bridge the gap."

Last year the drive helped supply over 12,000 meals to families, and volunteers and city leaders say hope to see the same amount of donations, if not more.

If you couldn't make it out today, you can always donate in person or online.