NewsPositively Hampton Roads


Fill a Beach Bag, feed a Beach Child

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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - Rice, cereal, and peanut butter may be staple items in your cabinet, but for a lot of kids across Virginia Beach, they're a luxury.

That's why News 3 and our partners are coming together to try and make sure no child goes to bed hungry through our annual Beach Bags Food Drive.

"Although we feel like we're affluent [in Virginia beach], we have 41% to 43% of students on free and reduced lunch," said Debbie Hughes, the Education Foundation Coordinator for Virginia Beach City Public Schools. "So imagine you have a classroom of 20 kids, probably eight of those are on free and reduced lunch."

Hughes said two years ago, 19,000 students were served, and last year that doubled to 38,000. The numbers and empty bins seen at the food drive on Thursday represent a sad reality of the growing need.

"The psychological ramifications for hunger are significant. You’re talking about your whole body retraining itself to not want as much food," said Hughes.

The Beach Bags Food Drive program gives meals and healthy snacks to VBCPS students who might otherwise go hungry during weekends and school vacations.

"One hundred percent of all of the donations, whether food or money, are going to serve these kids to buy food," said Hughes.

Trent Dudley, the Regional Executive for Southern Bank said, "my favorite part is just helping children. I think that anytime you can serve your community, it's a positive [and] anytime you can serve young children, it's even more special."

The Beach Bags Food Drive will be going on until 6 p.m. on Thursday, but you can donate any time of the year.