VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Virginia residents can now show their support for the arts on their bumper.
"The Virginia Commission for the Arts is so excited to present the newly re-designed arts license plate," said Margaret Hancock, Executive Director of the Virginia Commission for the Arts. "This is an opportunity for Virginians to get the license plate and have the majority of registration fees go directly back into arts and to grants across the state including the ViBe District and Kate Pittman. This license plate was redesigned and launched in January and it's a new design that draws five colors all pulled from the state flag of Virginia."

The Virginia Commission for the Arts was established in 1968 and is the state agency dedicated to investing in the arts of Virginia. The VCA supports literary arts, visual arts, theater, and media arts. That includes the murals that you see in the ViBe Creative District.

"The ViBe Creative District is really proud to be a tier 1 organization for the Virginia Commission for the Arts and we're very grateful to have their support through programs like the license plate initiative," said Kate Pittman, she's the Executive Director of the ViBe Creative District.

The plate can be purchased on the Virginia DMV website. Just click on the 'Take me to' tab, then scroll down to browse license plates. You can then type 'Arts' into the search.
Once you're there, it will let you know that it's a revenue-sharing plate. After the first 1,000 qualifying plates, 15 of the 25 dollars will be transferred to the Virginia Commission for the Arts.
This is a simple way to support the art community throughout Virginia.