NewsPositively Hampton Roads


91-year-old Hampton math tutor helping students after making 'miraculous' recovery after brain surgery

Mrs. Spencer
and last updated

HAMPTON, Va. — It’s been said that age is just a number.

For Delores Spencer, at 91, she has an answer to the equation behind her longevity.

“The secret is being active, eating well, basically, and worshipping God,” Spencer told News 3. “My theory is, if you don’t lose it, you’re going to lose it.”

For decades, she has taught and tutored math for students in Hampton Roads and around the world.

Mrs. Spencer
Mrs. Spencer

“That’s just my love,” she said. “I love to see the light come on.”

Delores Spencer.png


88-year-old math tutor helping families through social media

Zak Dahlheimer

News 3 first told you about Mrs. Spencer three years ago, doing regular tutoring on her Facebook page, ‘Mrs. Spencer's Math Lab,’ tutoring students at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

88-year-old math tutor helping families through social media during pandemic

One student she tutored was Jadyn Wilson from Texas.

“I love how much she loves math,” Wilson said.

Jadyn Wilson
Jadyn Wilson

Wilson mentioned that Mrs. Spencer helped her through middle and high school before getting numerous college acceptances and scholarships.

“It’s just so rare to find a combination of both, someone who knows how to teach math, and honestly loves it,” Wilson said. “That’s even proven by the fact that she’s 91 and still doing this.”

But, almost two years ago, Mrs. Spencer’s tutoring came to a halt when she said she fell and underwent brain surgery.

“I was really a baby after that surgery, meaning I could do nothing,” Spencer said.

She spent last year recovering and relearning how to walk, talk, and do basic functions.

Mrs. Spencer recovering after fall
Mrs. Spencer recovering after fall

“I could eat, but someone had to feed me,” she said. “I’m just so blessed because I had many, many miracles.”

While she's unsure about going back to tutoring on Facebook, she said she still wants to tutor students near and far and has no plans of stopping anytime soon.

“As long as I can help, that’s what I want to do,” Spencer said. “I’ve been saying for years that I’m going to live to at least 100, and I know I can only do that if the Lord allowed.”

Right now, Mrs. Spencer is tutoring one student, and plans on hopefully taking on a few more students soon.