NewsPositively Hampton Roads


Tom Hanks’ priceless Golden Globe reactions already a meme

Posted 10:53 AM, Jan 06, 2020

Tom Hanks went to the Golden Globes to receive the Cecil B. DeMille Award, but within minutes of the show starting he got another prize – becoming one of the year’s first viral memes.

When host Ricky Gervais kicked off the show with a slew of jokes poking fun at celebrities and Hollywood, the cameras kept finding their way to Tom Hanks watching in the audience and his priceless reactions.

It was Ricky Gervais’ joke about Felicity Huffman and the college admissions scandal that brought us the first memorable Hanks moment.

“I came here in a limo,” Gervais said, “and the license plate was made by Felicity Huffman.”

Thankfully for everyone watching at home, the cameras caught a visibly shocked Hanks.

Being responsible for one meme-able moment at an award show is big, but Tom Hanks is no ordinary actor. Just a couple minutes later, cameras caught another memorable reaction after Gervais swore during his call for winners to keep their speeches short.

Some also noted how the whole scene compared to Chrissy Teigen’s viral reaction at the 2015 show.