

Biden campaigns North and shows strength South


Former Vice President Joe Biden is campaigning in New Hampshire for the first time since announcing his Presidential run and a new poll shows him far out in front in a key early voting state.

The poll of South Carolina voters by the Charleston Post and Courier newspaper shows Biden with the support of 46% of likely primary voters. That’s three times more supporters than his nearest rival, Senator Bernie Sanders, who is at 15% in the poll released Sunday.

Nearly 90% of voters surveyed said Biden has the best chance to defeat President Trump, a key issue for Democrats. The President has taken note of Biden’s strong showing in recent polls, criticizing him on Twitter. The poll shows Biden’s support is especially strong among black voters, who make up nearly two-thirds of democratic primary voters in South Carolina.

Biden is well known in South Carolina. He delivered eulogies for both Senators Fritz Hollings and Strom Thurmond and recently campaigned there.

In New Hampshire polls show Biden with a large lead among Granite State Democrats. He became the 21st Democratic Presidential candidate to campaign in New Hampshire. In 2017 he declared at a Democratic Party fundraiser “I’m not running.” Two years later he is not only running but leading the race.