ELBERT COUNTY, Colo. — A family of four from Kansas was rescued overnight Thursday during the blizzard in Colorado, saved by strangers and volunteers who heard their calls for help.
The father, mother and two children were trapped in their snowbound vehicle for 12 hours 15 miles east of Kiowa on Highway 86.
The family had been in contact with Kiowa firefighters, who coordinated the search and rescue effort. Several unsuccessful attempts were made to rescue the family.
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Around midnight, two people who live in the area coordinated the rescue by using a front loader to scoop a path to reach the family to get them out.
Nearby residents took the family to his home and gave them a meal about 2:30 a.m.
Everyone is reported to be OK. The family, who was headed to Thornton for a family reunion, is attempting to get their belongings out of their vehicle.
Family saved in snowbound car after 12 hours in Elbert County. Have meal at 3am. Saved by strangers. volunteers who heard call for help. @channel2kwgn @KDVR #Blizzardof2019 pic.twitter.com/5KDbt0jLUa
— Vicente Arenas (@vicentearenastv) March 14, 2019