

Another democrat joins the 2020 race

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A second Governor has joined the 2020 Presidential race.

John Hickenlooper spent eight years as Governor of Colorado, after serving a mayor of Denver.

There are now fourteen democrats who have announced they are running for formed an exploratory committee.In his video announcement, Hickenlooper talked about his decades of experience in government and in the private sector.

He founded a brewery in Denver after beginning his career as a geologist. Hickenlooper said he is running for President quote “because we’re facing a crisis that threatens everything we stand for.”

Hickenlooper called President Trump a “bully”, and said he has stood up to his fair share of bullies. He will officially kick off his campaign Thursday in Denver before heading to Iowa for two days. That state holds the first in the nation caucuses next February.

Meanwhile a new poll shows a candidate who hasn’t even announced he is running in the lead in South Carolina.

Former Vice President Joe Biden leads the field with 37%, followed by Senator Bernie Sanders with 21%.