

Getting organized for the New Year

Posted 12:03 PM, Jan 02, 2019
and last updated 1:15 PM, Jan 02, 2019

VIRGINIA BEACH Va,- For a lot of people getting organized and decluttering their home is a top goal of 2019.

Cleaning up your home to look as beautiful as you want, while keeping it functional for your family can be a daunting task.

Richard Lecours and Lisa Dailey with Arrange Professional Organizers say the first step to making your home your dream home is to put like things together, that allows you to see how many things you have that are the same. That way you can throw out the excess and only keep what you love.

They say the hardest part is the thought of getting rid of your stuff, but after organizing it's much. Arrange says most people want to buy things to organize their home and then they try to clean, but that's doing it backward. Don't try to clean or buy new items until you've thoroughly organized your home.

In your kitchen try to separate the items out that are excess. Do you really need 8 wooden spoons? Also, try to purchase things that are the same. Keep all of your dishes and tupperware the same, that way when you are trying to organize cabinets and drawers they fit together.

Are you a coffee drinker? Perfect! Arrange says keep a special cabinet or drawer for all of your coffee needs including, mugs, sugar, grounds and all other caffeine necessities that way everything you need is in one place. That will save you time and keep your kitchen cleaner first thing in the morning.

When it comes to your closet, follow the same rule. First organize your clothes, shoes and accessories by putting all of the like items together. Then you can work on cleaning out what you don't need and have too much of.

A must have in your closet according to Richard is a bag or box that you keep around specifically for items you longer need, wear or want. If you pull out a pair of jeans that you haven't worn in months or no longer like drop them in the donation bag. Whenever you get the time empty that bag out by dropping off at the nearest donation center. This ensures you won't keep anything in your closet that you don't need.

Getting your dream home organized and cleaned up is easier than it seems just take it one area or item at a time. Don't try to take on your entire home in one day. Instead, start with a desk. Then commit to keeping it a lifestyle, put things in their designated space each day by taking 20 minutes to clean or organize regularly.

Also, don't forget to grow with your home. As your kids grow or you start downsizing keep up with things you no longer need.

Your fresh start for 2019 is possible.