

A Virginia Beach company sells a system that keeps people safer from active shooters

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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - There were three workplace shooting in just 24 hours in the United States this week.

Thursday there was a mass shooting 35 miles north of Baltimore. Four people were killed and three were hurt. The female shooter turned the gun on herself, according to law enforcement.

Wednesday, a software company erupted in gunfire in Wisconsin, and another gunman was reported in Pennsylvania outside of a courtroom.

A Virginia Beach company is taking action to create a device to keep schools, government agencies and businesses safer from active shooters.

It’s unfortunate situations like these that have caused Ross Vierra, the C.E.O. of Axis Global Enterprises, to get more calls about a product he sells and installs -The Active Shooter Detection System.

Vierra, a former Naval Officer, said over the last few months, his company has received a lot more interest in making their buildings safe.

The system involves special censors that can be put into schools, businesses or government buildings that can detect the instant a shot is fired in a building.

Information from Axis Global Enterprises:

“The Active Shooter Detection System that is being put in businesses and schools across the country can give authorities immediate knowledge the moment a shot is fired. They can lock down or have an announcement made that shots have been fired. Students or employees can then take cover. Authorities will know exactly where those shots were fired and see from a remote location. This gives first responders real-time information and cuts down on response time. Vierra says every second counts.

Vierra and his team worked with the Department of Homeland Security, Counter-Terrorism Task Force and New York EMS on an active shooter drill in the New York subway system.  They have recently had interest from government agencies and schools about implementing the system.”

He says the system which originates from the military and makes it easy for people to know the best way to escape when there is an active shooter in a building and it lets first responders know where the shooting is coming from in the the building.

He said they are in local schools, government agencies and business throughout the country.

“We can never know when or if the situation is going to happen but it’s better to say we put the system in place rather than I wish I would’ve done that,” said Vierra.