SUFFOLK, Va. - The third book in Scott McBride's children's series "The Adventures of Connor the Courageous Cutter" is set to launch in October.
The authors are both active-duty military members, and are both dads with sons named Connor.
They wrote their first book idea on a napkin. Cut to a few years later: they're publishing their third book together. To kick off the excitement, they held a book unboxing at O'doodledoo's Donuts in Suffolk.
With friends and family huddled together, Scott McBride and Rodney Thompson unveiled book number three in their series "Connor the Courageous Cutter."
“This entire movement has been grassroots, and Connor the Cutter wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for our friends, our friends of friends, our fans,” McBride said.
“We are a military family as well, and so we support them," said an attendee. "Whenever they come in to town we like to support them, so they can see our friendly faces,”
What is now a popular children’s book started as notes on a Panera napkin after McBride, in the Coast Guard, and Thompson, in the Navy decided to write a children’s book together.
“All of the power goes out in Serendipity Sound, which is where all of our stories take place, and immediately because Simon is different because he goes under the water all of the topside boats blame him. They believe obviously since he is different that he is the trouble maker,” Thompson said of the storyline.
McBride and Thompson say the third book is special to them because they wrote it while Thompson was deployed.
They hope Connor and his friends will be an inspiration for both kids and adults.
“As active-duty dads, many of the lessons we teach in the books we teach to our own kids, and a lot of the times they were lessons we had to learn through our own military service,” Thompson said.
The book is available now on their website, and will be available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers on October 2.
For more information, visit the series' website here.