

Are you paying high energy bills this summer? Dominion Energy explains why

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NORFOLK, Va. - Some Dominion Energy customers have been seeing a spike in their monthly payments while trying to stay cool.

"Mine went up over $200 and that's rare for me," said customer Bess Melvin.

The utility company told News 3's Aleah Hordges that the hotter it is outside, the harder our air conditioning units work to keep cool inside.

Changing some small habits can make all the difference, according to Dominion Energy.

"The home you're in makes a huge difference in what your energy bill is, so we do encourage people to do an energy audit to make sure that their home is energy-efficient as possible," Bonita Harris of Dominion Energy said.

The company recommends unplugging equipment that you're not using, installing ceiling fans and closing the blinds when your A/C is on.

"So we're out right now, so I turn it down, and then literally right before I go to bed, which is after my kids go to bed, turn it to where it's a little cooler," said Philip McFarland, Dominion Energy customer.

The utility company wants people to know that there are payment plans to help.

Budget Billing is a program that keeps a consistent monthly payment without a surprise.

Harris added, "So it's an average of your bills over the year divided over the 12 months, so you don't have to have those fluctuations in your billing."