

First continuous flow intersection in Virginia now open to traffic


NORFOLK, Va. – The new left turn lanes of the continuous flow intersection on Military Highway at Northampton Boulevard and Princess Anne Road are now open to traffic.

Christened the Military Highway Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI), it is the first of its kind in Virginia. It opened under modified traffic conditions on July 28.

Lane closures will continue to take place as needed in order to finish final construction. At least one lane of traffic will stay open in each direction.

The Virginia Department of Transportation says the addition of new lanes, signals and traffic management technology will increase capacity and reduce congestion in the area. According to VDOT, the intersection design will increase through-traffic capacity by eliminating conflicts with opposing traffic for left-turning vehicles.

Drivers on Military Highway turning left onto Northampton Boulevard or Princess Anne Road must cross over into dedicated left-turn lanes before the main intersection, but can now proceed through the main intersection at the same time as opposing vehicles traveling straight through. Drivers who are traveling straight or turning right will go through the intersection as normal.

VDOT says the project also includes the widening of Military Highway from a four-lane roadway to an eight-lane divided roadway from Lowery Road to the Broad Creek bridge, the widening of Military Highway from a four-lane roadway to a six-lane divided roadway from the Broad Creek bridge to Robin Hood Road and widening Northampton Boulevard and Princess Anne Road from four-lane divided roadways to six-lane divided roadways.

Crews have also widened sidewalks on Military Highway, added bike lanes on Northampton Boulevard and Princess Anne Road and installed new crosswalks and pedestrian signals at all intersections.

Construction on the project began in August 2016 and is estimated to be completed by August 2018. Corman Construction-E.V. Williams JC, in association with Parsons Transportation Group, was awarded the $59.8 million construction contract.

Click here for more information about the project.