VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - The cold has made its way into Hampton Roads!
With temperatures below freezing, it's important to keep your house cozy and warm.
Window World has a few ways to keep your home comfortable without breaking the bank.
Simple household items like bubble wrap and a spray bottle can be used to seal in heat.
Here's their 'Winterize Your Home' checklist:
- Made in the shade - Covering windows with the right shades prevents warm air from escaping.
- Embrace thermostat change - Lowering a thermostat while residents are away or asleep can also lower your utility bill. A programmable thermostat makes it easier to adjust temperatures.
- Our leaks are sealed - Ducts that leak air into unheated spaces can cause pricey utility bills. Caulk can be used around drafty doors or windows, electrical outlets, pipes and wires.
- Not in hot water - Turn down the water heater to the warm setting to prevent burning up your bill.
- Winter weather windows - Sticking bubble wrap on a window using a spray bottle of water is a simple way to provide extra insulation.