

Former Navy comptroller sentenced for accepting illegal gratuities

Posted 10:56 PM, Oct 13, 2017

NORFOLK, Va. – A former comptroller for the Norfolk Ship Support Activity (NSSA) was sentenced today to 40 months in prison for conspiracy to receive gratuities by a public official.

William R. Hutsenpiller over saw the $200 million operating budget for NSSA while serving as the civilian GS-15 Financial Department Head/Comptroller from October 2009 through November 2013.

During this time, Hutsenpiller conspired with others to essentially force a government prime contractor to use a specified subcontractor—Global Services Corporation, based in Fayetteville, North Carolina—that he knew would collaborate with him to misuse government funds.

As part of the scheme, Hutsenpiller directed the prime contractor to pass government funds to Global, a defense subcontractor, and in turn, Hutsenpiller directed Global to withhold unexpended funds that should have been returned to the government or to the prime contractor.

From 2010 through 2014, Hutsenpiller made numerous requests that Global provide him with various items of value and services for his personal use, which Global agreed to purchase with government funds.

The gratuities that Global provided to Hutsenpiller included a variety of personal electronic items and accessories for Hutsenpiller and his family.

Hutsenpiller pleaded guilty to receiving $35,870.69 in gratuities from Global Services Corp.

As part of today’s sentencing, Hutsenpiller was ordered to pay a Restitution Judgment of $35,870.60, and to pay a forfeiture amount of $35,000.