

Deep Creek Bridge replacement funding approved

and last updated

CHESAPEAKE, Va. - Funding is now in place to replace the Deep Creek Bridge in Chesapeake.

The two-lane drawbridge over the Dismal Swamp Canal was built in 1934. It was declared functionally obsolete in 1996, meaning certain travel restrictions are in place regarding the types of vehicles that can cross over it.

On average, 27,000 vehicles cross over the Deep Creek Bridge daily.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is administering the project to replace the bridge, improving it to a five-lane drawbridge.

In May, Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine announced passage of Fiscal Year 2017 Energy and Water Development funding which includes $12 million for the replacement. Another $10 million in federal funds was secured for the project in FY 2016.

In mid-June, the Commonwealth Transportation Board approved the FY 2017-2022 Six-Year Improvement Program which includes $20 million towards replacement of the bridge.

That state money, combined with the federal funding, fully funds the $42 million replacement project.

Right now, partial right-of-way acquisition has started.

Once construction is complete, the Army Corps of Engineers plans to turn ownership and maintenance responsibilities over to the City of Chesapeake.