Three crew members were rescued after a US Navy MH-60S helicopter crashed into the James River on Tuesday morning while on a routine training mission.
The crash was reported at 11:12 a.m. when a fishing vessel made a mayday call.
The helicopter crashed north of the James River Bridge, approximately in the middle of the James River.
A Good Samaritan vessel immediately responded to the crash site and rescued the three crew members on board.
The crew members were all transported from the Good Samaritan vessel onto a waiting police boat and then transferred again to a fire boat where they could be evaluated.
All three were transferred to the boat on their own power and appear to have non-life threatening injuries. They have been taken to Naval Medical Center Portsmouth for further treatment.

Rescued crew members walk to awaiting transport to NMCP
The Navy says the MH-60S helicopter is assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron Two (HSC-2), the helicopter Fleet Replacement Squadron based at Norfolk Naval Station Chambers Field.
A hazmat team will be diking the area around the crash to contain any fuel that may be escaping from the aircraft.
At this time, the cause of the crash is still unknown. The Navy will handle the investigation and recovery of the helicopter.
This is a developing situation. Updates will be posted as they become available.